ALFRED WEBRE is a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School with a Juris Doctor in International Law. He is a former Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for the Study of Social Policy at Stanford Research Institute . He is an author, lawyer, environmentalist and a space activist who promotes the ban of space weapons, and the co-architect of the Space Preservation Treaty and the Space Preservation Act that was introduced to the U.S. Congress by Congressman Dennis Kucinich and is endorsed by 274 NGO's worldwide. Two of his 7 books are entitled: Exopolitics: A Decade of Contact and Earth Changes: A Spiritual Approach. He helped draft the Citizen Hearing in 2000 with Stephen Bassett and serves as a member of the Board of Advisors. Citizen Hearing is a proposed public forum to create a bipartisan fact finding process surrounding the extraterrestrial phenomena and alleged government suppression of such facts from the public. It would take place before at least five (5) former Senators and Congresspersons, who would take testimony from and question witnesses regarding their personal experience with events and evidence. He is presently the International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space , co-founded in 2001 with Dr. Carol Rosin, an international organization to prevent the weaponization of space and transform the war economy into a peaceful, cooperative, space-exploration industry. Mr. Webre is the host of a public affairs radio talk show in Vancouver, B.C.
Jean-Luc Bozzoli was born in France and studied at Nancy and Paris
Since he was a young child he
had a strong desire to study with the beings under the Ocean.
In the aquatic space and in Nature, life forms of all kinds remind
him of navigating thru the magnificence of the Universe; his favorite
art teacher. In 1970 Jean-Luc moved and traveled in the South
Pacific Islands. Since 1988, he rooted himself at the edge of
the world on the pyramidal volcanic isles of Hawaii (the best
view of the stars).
My intentions and visions:
My art is a platform of play and communication with the extra
dimensions that Nature offers. Each day we pass by trees, flowers
or dolphins, brushing by the great opportunity to journey into
the energetic portals of their ethereal and holographic fields
(of dreams). Inspired by the creative building blocks of these
generative webs, I now focus on this ongoing Cosmic Dance via
a co-creative relationship. My art emerges from these "subtle
matrixes" within Nature that unifies All Things. And I illustrate
how these patterns of geometry and colors are connecting us, from
our tiny atomic structures to the vast Harmonic Order of the Universe,
which holds this together in Oneness. Art is a fine way to awaken
the inner potentials within our heart that travel far beyond linear
thinking. In the process of the advance of human consciousness,
we are of the Earth and also part of a vast Universal Expansion,
eventually adventuring us beyond Time and Space...towards Infinity.
Here, my Art-offering is a gentle way to embrace this divine legacy
and feel the simple Beauties of Nature linking us to this colorful
Symphony beyond the range of our sight and mind. I used oils,
acrylics and now computers to make the colors and the forms dance
with Music
My passion and love for all I see and feel from Nature, opens
gates to vast horizons... a wonderful Odyssey to prepare us for
more changes, within our eternal metamorphoses.
Energies flow where attention
and Imagination becomes our previews of life's coming attractions.
Our Heart is the vessel for the ultimate journey... a voyage into
our Universe Within.
It is all pulsing within us ... where we imagine... seeing music
like moving architectures in space!
Art is the Vision and Heart is the Connection to the Source.
The keys of my relationship to
the cosmos, is when I am exploring the kinship with the mysteries
of Nature through my art.
This Dreamtime that I experience becomes like a gateway, opening
to a world of parallel dimensions. Venturing into these realms
with excitement, I become open to information beyond our linear
words and thinking, touching the parts of ourself that knows or
rather feels the profound simplicity of Truth and Beauty. Here
flow the lay lines, which hold the consciousness that links us
all together. Our hearts can open to the realization of who we
are, where we have been and where we are going.
Our inner and outer worlds are revealed as musical spheres of profoundly beautiful forms, subtle shapes and organic geometries. All are in constant motion, expanding patterns of sound and color.
In my continuing quest to perfect my skills, I am now delighted to use some of the state of the art technology as a means to convey for the viewer this choreographic experience of these unseen patterns. Patterns that connect us to inner-dimensional travel via a computer animated odyssey. My latest work, "Merkabah: The Voyage of a Star Seed," is a video that takes viewers on a journey designed to revive our holographic memories, and facilitate a return home to our highest potentials.
In this heartfelt art, I honor
our precious Planet, intimately linked with the pure Spirit that
is uniting All. My hope is that these surrealistic visions might
open us to worlds within worlds and inspire us to visualize our
self-realizing universe. Here our thought-forms become our passageway
to manifest our forever fulfilling future.
By 1979, after living and painting for six months in Auckland,
New Zealand, he performed his first audio-visual presentation
in conjunction with the Limbs Dance Co. at the Seymour Theatre.
The show consisted of his slide projection of painted images of
cetaceans onto a wide screen while the dance company performed
amid the light array in synchronized movements to the music and
shapes projected. Rave reviews followed the performance. His artwork
began to appear in print as he was asked to contribute images
to the Sydney, Australia magazine, Simply Living, appearing
in two issues with images of dolphins (issue #11) and whales (issue
#13) in 1980.
The following year he contributed art work animation for Dolphin
Touch, a Golden Dolphin Films production in Sydney,
before moving part time to Singapore to publish his paintings
and photos in the journal, Strait Times, and travel throughout
Indonesia, Bali, Thailand and Malaysia. Back in Australia in 1983,
he contributed to the movie, Monkey Mia, a real experience across
the Australian desert to meet the dolphins and tell their mystical
stories as a backdrop to a road show. At this same time he received
a full spread of his work in the international book publication,
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, a coffee-table publication by
Facts on Files.
1984 brought a change of locale and lifestyle as Jean-Luc was invited by Jim Nollman's Interspecies Communication organization, to participate in a month long trek into the wilderness shores off Vancouver Island, to attempt to establish a communication link with the pods of Orca whales using a psychic bridge supported by sound and music as developed by Nollman. It was during this trip that he met and befriended, Joan Ocean, a psychologist and dolphin researcher, and with her, devised a presentation format for his audio-visuals to accompany her speaking engagements.
Between 1984 and 1988 the two traveled throughout the United States showing Dolphin Connection; a 90 minute multi-media presentation given to more that 700 audiences in community centers, universities and libraries. For one month in 1985 he returned to Singapore to do his one-man presentations at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, selling out the performances of his audio-visual, laser show spectacles. 1986 brought further attention to his artwork, with a display honoring US and Soviet astronauts for the project, Creative Use of Space, held in San Francisco. The magazine, Magical Blend, featured his work on its cover (Issue #13) and in an article on whales while his audio-visual show was presented at ORSTOM, the Oceanographic Center in Noumea, New Caledonia. He was asked to design a sanctuary on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, called Oceania, for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. He also presented several showings at the Club Med facility in Moorea, Tahiti over a two-week period.
Then in 1988 he moved to Hawaii and produced paintings that would later become the illustrations for Joan Ocean's book, Dolphin Connection: Interdimensional Ways of Living, published that year along with a series of reproductions featuring his work in small poster and note card formats. The two continued to conduct seminars in Hawaii and over the next few years they traveled to such locations as Bali, India, Thailand and Geneva, Switzerland to present shows.
In 1989 Jean-Luc began to document
his dolphin experiences as a video-photographer, amassing hundred
of hours of tape with whales and dolphins in various locations
throughout the world. Dolphin Connection produced the video, Open
to the Sea, from his Hawaiian experiences in 1991. The United
Nations Environmental Program commissioned him to do the greeting
card, Earth-Rebirth in 1990 and in 1991 his work appeared on the
Nippon Television Special, Wonder Zone, broadcast throughout Japan
in August of that year. Later that same year his artwork was featured
in the book, Into the Blue, published in Great Britain by V. McKenna.
Jean-Luc began to use the computer as a visualizing tool in 1992
with his graphic imaging for the book, Boule de Reve, published
by Leucan in Montreal, Canada, as a dolphin book for children
suffering from cancer. This new tool opened up an entirely new
world of possibilities to the artist, allowing him to construct
images in a fraction of the time it had taken manually. In 1993
one such image was given 3/4 color page reproduction in the Tokyo
Newspaper, Ashai Shimbun, and he continued to explore computer-graphics
and animations on Macintosh and Silicon-Graphics workstations,
creating a series of 3-D lithographs, featuring images of faeries
and winged dolphins set in Lemurian scapes, that was shown in
Japan in 1995. He also began the production of his first video
animation project entitled, SeaWiz.
In 1996, while visiting Vancouver, Canada, Jean-Luc met and befriended,
Olivier Bobst, a technical computer special effects master, working
with the TV studios on productions of such shows as Outer Limits,
X-Files, and others. The two collaborated on an animated short
entitled, Voyage of A Starseed, that fully explored his visionary
talents within a moving environment. The soundtrack to this remarkable
piece was contributed by John Anderson, former member of the group,
Yes, and staunch supporter of Jean-Luc and the project. In 1997
this five minute piece was absorbed and expanded into a larger
production funded by the Academy for Future Science, the organization
founded by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, author of The Keys of Enoch: The Book
of Knowledge, and metamorphosed into: MERKABAH: Voyage of A Starseed,
a 54 minute presentation that follows the mystical teachings of
the Kabbalah as envisioned by Dr. Hurtak. This stunning visual
experience now stands as a premier example of pure "visual
art as communication" and image as information, that will
surely pave the way to many more such projects that incorporate
the visionary mastery of Jean-Luc Bozzoli and Eye Within Studios
as a means to purvey the subtle teachings of the Universe. Jean-Luc
addresses his feeling towards this end by saying:
"Being part of humanity, I have a desire to recreate this [magical] feeling and to share it with others. I build a space-showcase to experience the cosmic womb that connects our inner natures to the Great All. This artistic "theater of evolution" serves as an inspiration for us to enter a metamorphosis which expands our unlimited potentials with the All, beyond Time and Space, and reactivating our original link with the Universal Matrix of existence."
Darryl Anka (The voice/channel of Bashar)
On two occasions within the same week in 1973, I had close-range, broad-daylight sightings of UFOs with witnesses present both times. At each sighting we saw a dark metallic, triangular craft about 30 feet on each side. There were three blue-white lights, one on each "point", and one orange-red light in the center. The craft in the first sighting was about 150 feet away; in the second sighting, only about 60 feet away.
After seeing something that I knew could not be the product of Earthly technology, I was curious to find out all I could on UFO phenomena. I began reading everything I could find. Browsing bookshelves for UFO literature, I quickly discovered other books on different "paranormal" subjects, such as psychic powers, spirits and channeling. I read a few of these as well as UFO books so that I could broaden my research and acquire a greater understanding of the metaphysical field of knowledge.
years after the UFO sightings, I was introduced to a practicing
channel. After several months of listening to the information
delivered by the spirit entity being channeled through the person,
I was amazed by the consistency and quality of the information
I was hearing on a variety of subjects. Eventually, that entity
offered to teach channeling to whoever wished to learn. This surprised
me at first, as I had assumed channeling was not something that
could be taught. Nevertheless, I joined the channeling class -
not intending to become a channel myself, but rather to learn
more about the process by which this entity seemed capable of
accessing volumes of information on endless subjects.
Midway through the course, which contained many guided meditations and mental exercises designed to shift one's consciousness to various states, I received what sounded like a telepathic message in my mind. I became instantly aware of three things: The message was from an extraterrestrial consciousness that I was to call "Bashar" (the UFO I had seen was his ship), a memory came back to me that I had made an agreement at some point prior to this life to channel him, and that now was the time to fulfill this agreement if I still felt like doing so.
At first, I questioned this internal experience: Was I hallucinating? Was this some strange "side effect" of the meditations the class members had been given? However, while I sat silently pondering some of these questions, the entity teaching the class became aware that I was communicating with something from another plane of existence. He urged me to trust it and learn to work with it.
After thinking about it for awhile, I decided to explore the possibility of letting this "Bashar" entity speak through me to see what would happen. I figured that even if it wasn't really another entity - even if it was some mysterious portion of my own consciousness - the information that could be accessed through this channeling process could be used to help people make constructive and positive changes in their lives. Whatever the source, I decided to continue. I have now been channeling publicly since that time in 1983 and "Bashar" has spoken on a wide variety of subjects to thousands of people in more than 15 cities throughout the United States, as well as in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, England, Egypt and Greece.
When the telepathic message first awoke in my mind, the word "Bashar" came along with it. I assumed this was simply the alien entity's name. However, I came to realize, based on "Bashar's" descriptions of his own society, that in their world they are all telepathic and do not use names as we do. Since he knew that we would need to call him by some name, the name "Bashar" was chosen."Bashar" is an Arabic word, probably chosen because I am half Arabic, although I don't speak the language. I had no idea what the word meant until someone fluent in Arabic told me it means "Messenger" or more specifically "Bringer of good news". Thus, while not literally his name, the word is certainly appropriate to what "Bashar" does.
I always make it clear to people that they do not have to believe that "Bashar" is really an extraterrestrial in telepathic communication with me during the channelings. If they want to believe the words are coming from another part of my own consciousness, that's fine with me. I have no way of proving "Bashar's" existence to anyone anyway. The most important thing is that the information, wherever it's coming from, has made a difference in many people's lives, including my own.
information has answered many burning questions with cool satisfaction
and clarity, expanded my creativity, inspired and instructed others
how to change their lives for the better, and provided insights
into concepts I never imagined possible. For that gift, I am eternally
grateful, no matter what the source may be. It is my desire that
this information will expand your spirit, heighten your awareness
of the limitless potential that life offers each and every day,
inspire you to follow your highest joy.
Dr. Richard J. Boylan is a Ph.D. behavioral scientist, exo-anthropologist,
university associate professor (emeritus),
certified clinical hypnotherapist, consultant, and researcher.
He provides hypnotherapy for recalling
full details of partially-remembered close encounters with the
Star Visitors, and for exploring previous life experiences stored
in subconscious memory.
Dr. Boylan also is a consultant to Star Kids and Star Seeds seeking
to understand better their origin, identity and mission, so as
to attain optimal awareness and clarity of identity, inner growth
and spiritual development.
His career has spanned four decades of service as a social worker, psychologist (retired), clinical hypnotherapist, clergyman (retired), school administrator and clinic administrator. Dr. Boylan has served as a Lecturer at California State University, Sacramento, University of California, Davis, National University, Chapman University, and Sierra College.
Since 1989 Dr. Boylan has conducted research into human encounters with the Star Visitors. This has led to his current focus, working with the Star Kids.
He has created the Star Kids Project, Ltd., and is working at outreach to these hybrid children with advanced abilities and their families, raising consciousness about Star Seed heritage, educating these children and parents about advanced abilities and their proper use, and informing the public about this new cosmic generation.
He has presented papers on his research at, among other conferences, the 1992 M.I.T. Abduction Study Conference, and the 1995 Cosmic Cultures International Conference at Washington, DC. He is author of three books, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters (1994), Labored Journey To the Stars (1996), and Project Epiphany (1997). He is currently writing a fourth book, "Star Kids". He has over 50 articles published.
Dr. Boylan is President of the Star Kids Project, Ltd, a nonprofit educational program which identifies, educates and trains Star Kids and their families for their important roles in the new cosmic society dawning.
Dr. Boylan is President of the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists (ACCET) Inc., a federally-recognized nonprofit educational and research organization. He has conducted numerous workshops for mental health professionals on the specialized counseling for experiencers of Star Visitor contact.
He has lectured widely at regional and national conferences, and has been interviewed on numerous radio and television programs, including NBC's "Sightings" twice, on Paramount Television Network's "Paranormal Borderline", and three times on Art Bell's "Dreamland" program.
Dr. Boylan is a member of the National Board of Hypnosis and Hypnotic Anaethesiology. He is Past-President of the Sacramento Valley Psychological Association. His wife, Lee Boylan, MBA and he have four children.
Courtney Brown, Ph.D.,
founded The Farsight Institute as a research and educational organization
in 1995. He is Director for this unique nonprofit educational
organization. Dr. Brown has never received any financial compensation
for his work at the Institute.
Brown's primary research interest at the Institute is in the new
field of "sociophysics," a science that integrates the
areas of mathematics, social science, and physics with the study
of consciousness. Some of his research bears directly on issues
addressing quantum mechanics and cosmology. As a social scientist,
Dr. Brown has long held a substantive and mathematical interest
in nonlinear interdependencies in human affairs. His research
into the realm of consciousness has added to his appreciation
of the depth of humanity's state of interdependency with all of
the universe, and it has helped him to recognize the truthfulness
of Donne's maxim, "No man is an island, entire of itself."
Brown has published a number of books on the subject of remote
viewing. His new book, Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory
of Nonphysical Perception, is an in-depth scientific examination
of the remote-viewing phenomenon, particularly with respect to
how remote viewing is performed using procedures that are derivative
of U.S. government funded research efforts. This book deeply engages
issues related to the physics of psi functioning.
addition to his commitment to advancing basic science research
of the remote-viewing phenomenon, he also has a personal and separate
interest (some would call it a hobby) in applying remote viewing
to investigate the subjects of spirituality and extraterrestrial
life. His speculative nonfiction book, Cosmic Voyage: A Scientific
Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth, describes his first
investigation using remote viewing as a data gathering technique.
It has been published both in hardback (Dutton) and paperback
(Onyx), and in various languages. His second speculative nonfiction
book on the subject of remote viewing, Cosmic Explorers: Scientific
Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a Message for Mankind,
continues much of the substantive content of Cosmic Voyage, but
it also contains an entire text explaining the mechanics of Scientific
Remote Viewing®. It was also been published in hardback (Dutton)
and paperback (Signet).
Peer Reviewed Books
in the Sand: Essays on the Nonlinear Nature of Politics and Human
Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press. 1995. Reviewed
in American Political Science Review, March 1997, 91: 165-6; also
American Journal of Sociology, July 1996, 102: 286-8.
Chaos and Catastrophe Theories. Thousand Oaks, California:
Sage Publications. Series: Quantitative Applications in the Social
Sciences, Number 107. 1995. Reviewed in Journal of the American
Society for Information Science, April 1996: 330-2.
Ballots of Tumult: A Portrait of Volatility in American Voting.
Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 1991. Reviewed
in American Political Science Review, September 1992, 86: 794-5;
also The Journal of Politics, August 1992, 54: 890-3.
and the Environment: Nonlinear Instabilities Dominate." American
Political Science Review, 88:292-303, No. 2, June 1994.
"Nonlinear Transformation in a Landslide: Johnson and Goldwater
in 1964," American Journal of Political Science, 37:582-609,
No. 2, May 1993.
Dynamics of U.S. Presidential Competitions, 1928-36." American
Political Science Review, 82: 1153-1181, No.4, December 1988.
(An expanded version of this article was recognized in the 1989
IBM Supercomputing Competition and printed in Keith R. Billingsley,
Hilton U. Brown III, and Ed Derohanes, eds., Computer Assisted
Modeling on the IBM 3090: The 1989 IBM Contest Prize Papers, Volume
2, pp. 749-97, Athens, Georgia: Baldwin Press, 1992.)
Political Context and Attitude Change," with Michael MacKuen.
American Political Science Review, 81: 471-490, No.2, June
"Mobilization and Party Competition within a Volatile Electorate,"
American Sociological Review, 52: 59-72, No. 1, February
"The Nazi Vote: A National Ecological Study," American
Political Science Review, 76: 285-302, No. 2, June 1982.
Contributions to Edited Volumes
"Catastrophe Theory." 2003. In the Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. Edited by Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
Theory." 2003. In the Encyclopedia of Social Science Research
Methods. Edited by Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman, and Tim
Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
Dynamics." 2003. In the Encyclopedia of Social Science
Research Methods. Edited by Michael Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman,
and Tim Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
Book Reviews
Book review of Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences: Foundations and Applications, by L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliot, eds. American Political Science Review, June 1997, 91: 436.
Book review of Conceptual Foundations for Multidisciplinary Thinking, by Stephen Jay Kline. American Political Science Review, June 1996, 90: 407.
Book review of The Dynamics of Ethnic Competition and Conflict, by Susan Olzak. American Political Science Review, June 1994, 88:483-4.
Stanton T. Friedman received BSc and MSc degrees in physics from the
University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He was employed for
14 years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as GE, GM,
Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell
Douglas on such advanced, classified, eventually cancelled, projects
as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear powerplants
for space.
Since 1967 he has lectured on the topic "Flying Saucers ARE Real!" at more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in 50 states, 9 provinces, 14 other countries. He has published more than 80 UFO papers and appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and co-authored Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident. TOP SECRET/MAJIC, his explosive book about the Majestic 12 group established in 1947 to deal with crashed saucers, was published in 1996 and had 6 printings. Stan was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award in Leeds, England, in September, 2002, by UFO Magazine of the UK. A documentary "Stanton T. Friedman IS Real" was broadcast in Canada in 2002.
He has provided written testimony to Congressional Hearings, appeared twice at the UN, and been a pioneer in many aspects of Ufology including Roswell, Majestic 12, the Betty Hill-Marjorie Fish star map work; analysis of the Delphos, Kansas, physical trace case; crashed saucers, flying saucer technology and challenges to the S.E.T.I. (Silly Effort to Investigate) cultists.
Stanton Friedman takes a clear-cut unambiguous stand that SOME UFOs are alien spacecraft, that the subject of flying saucers represents a Cosmic Watergate, that none of the anti-UFO arguments made by a variety of noisy negativists stand up to careful scrutiny, and that we are dealing with the biggest story of the past millennium: visits to Planet Earth by alien spacecraft and the successful coverup by governments of the best data: alien wreckage and bodies recovered in New Mexico, for 57 years. He has spent many weeks at a total of 20 document archives. Stan has successfully taken on many critics of flying saucers, Roswell, Majestic 12, including winning a debate at Oxford University.
Michael Horn
Horn has been researching the Billy Meier UFO Contacts for over
25 years and is now the Authorized American Media Representative
for the information and for the new book on the Meier case, And
Still They Fly! Michael is also the creator of the new
DVD The Meier Contacts -The Key To Our Future Survival
Though he has long been fascinated with the amazing photos, films, and other still irreproducible physical evidence, Michaels main focus since 1988 has been on Meiers prophetically accurate scientific and world event-related information, published from 1 to more than 25+ years in advance of terrestrial discovery or occurrence. Because of the abundance and impeccable accuracy of Meiers material, and the failure of professional skeptics and debunkers to duplicate any of Meiers hard evidence, Michael has concluded that Meiers credibility is unequaled by any other source, past or present.
Michael's live multimedia presentation reveals the incontrovertible facts of these startling contacts and includes:
- Amazing, authenticated, still irreproducible daylight photos, film and video footage of the UFOs
- On-screen scientific analysis of metal alloy samples the ETs gave to Meier, which are also still irreproducible by our present metallurgical technology
- Extraordinarily complex, irreproducible sounds emanating from an unshielded UFO
- Prophetically accurate scientific and world event-related information from the ETs, years and decades before "official" discovery or occurrence
- Plejaren knowledge of the Great Pyramids, Atlantis, Crop Circles, the Origin of Humans on Earth plus much more, including the recently released Henoch Prophecies
"What if there is a case whose purpose is not simply to provide opportunities to debate UFO photos, but actually to inform and assist humanity without directly interfering with its evolutionary development? Will we have missed an opportunity to explore, with openness and curiosity, the possibility that there's at least one group of slightly more advanced beings out there who may know more about life's mysteries, and us, than we know ourselves?
Regarding Michael's interview that captivated millions of his listeners, Art Bell declared, "... without a doubt the best show that I think I've ever done on the Meier case. Actually, I didn't do it, I just hosted it. Michael Horn did it, so he goes down as the best spokesman for Meier that I've ever had on."
In 1970,
Michael learned T'ai Chi Chuan, Chi Gong and various forms of
massage. In 1990, he expanded his studies into Eastern European
health and martial arts. Michael created the Sit & Get Fit
program, the resulting synthesis of various modalities in an easy-to-follow
video program, the same one that he teaches to hundreds of students
of all ages in Los Angeles.
While in his mid-50s, Michael was featured in two issues of the
international martial arts magazine, INSIDE KUNG FU, demonstrating
advanced Chi Gong strength and flexibility exercises.
Michael has a teaching credential from the State of California
and has taught Sit & Get Fit through the Beverly Hills Adult
School system. He has done in-home rehabilitation through the
State of Californias Workman's Compensation program.
Michael's background is quite eclectic; he is an award-winning painter, trend-setting designer and creator of the still popular fashion fad "Fingernail Art", which he debuted in Harper's Bazaar in July of 1967. His paintings are in collections in Los Angeles, Chicago, London, India and Greece. He designed and painted the sets for the play "Hardware" at the Stella Adler Theater in Hollywood. Michael is also a published songwriter, singer, music and video producer, humorist, science researcher, writer and lecturer.
Michael is the co-producer of "The Pleiadian Connection" videotape, the associate producer of "Technical Remote Viewing Home Study Course," composer of "Spaceship On The White House Lawn," "The Ballad of Roswell" and other irreverent New Age songs.
Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters
Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary
film, television, radio, writing and reporting career to productions
concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has
received local, national and international awards, including three
regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination. Those films have
included Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison which compared
smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver; Fire In The Water about
hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive
Water about uranium contamination of public drinking water in
a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest which explored the worldwide
animal mutilation mystery that has haunted the United States and
other countries since the late 1950's and continues to date. Another
film, A Prairie Dawn, focused on astronaut training in Denver.
Linda produces, reports and edits the science, environment and real X-files news website, In 2003, Earthfiles received an Award for Standard of Excellence presented by the internet's WebAward Association. Earthfiles also received the 2001 Encyclopaedia Britannica Award for Journalistic Excellence. Linda also produces, writes, edits and reports science, environment and real X-Files news for the nationally syndicated Clear Channel's Premiere Radio Network.
In 2004, Linda traveled to San Marino, Italy, to speak about her earth mysteries investigations and did on-camera reporting for a 2004 History Channel television program. In 2003, Linda traveled to England to report about the proliferation of crop formations and associated small, mysterious lights there and in other European countries, plus another investigation in Brazil. In 2002, Linda traveled to Norway to join astronomers, physicists and engineers in the study of "thermal plasmas of unknown origin" in the Hessdalen valley; in 2001, Linda traveled to Hong Kong and Laos to do on-camera reporting for The Discovery Channel television series, Modern Mysteries of Asia.
A few of her other television productions have included The World of Chemistry for PBS; creation of a two-hour special Earth Mysteries: Alien Life Forms in association with WATL-Fox, Atlanta; three documentaries for UNICEF about international child survival efforts; and the documentary Strange Harvests 1993. Linda was Supervising Producer and Original Concept Creator for UFO Report: Sightings financed by Paramount Studios and the Fox network in Los Angeles. Its first broadcast was in October 1991, which lead to the Sightings series on Fox.
Linda was an honored medical producer in Boston's WCVB Station Excellence Peabody Award. As Director of Special Projects at the KMGH-TV station in Denver, Colorado, she received the Aviation & Space Writers Association Award for Writing Excellence in Television, a Chicago Film Festival Golden Plaque for A Radioactive Water, Colorado's Florence Sabin Award for "outstanding contribution to public health" and several dozen other local and regional awards, including Emmys. She also worked as Director of International Programming for Earthbeat, an environmental series broadcast on Turner's WTBS Superstation, in Atlanta, Georgia.
Linda has traveled in Brazil, England, Norway, France, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Ethiopia, Kenya, Egypt, Australia, Japan, Peru, Venezuela, Canada, Mexico, the Yucatan, and Puerto Rico for research and productions.
She has written four books: Mysterious
Lights and Crop Circles, 2nd edition, September 2002, about eyewitness
accounts and scientific research of biophysical and biochemical
changes in affected cereal crops by complex energy systems; An
Alien Harvest about the worldwide animal mutilation phenomenon;
Glimpses of Other Realities, Volumes I and II about U.S. military,
intelligence and civilian testimonies concerning unidentified
phenomena interacting with earth life.
Linda continues to write, report, produce and speak at national
and international conferences and symposiums, including NASA's
Goddard Space Flight Center. She also contracts to produce, write
and report for television segments and has been interviewed on
a Larry King Live special, CNN; The O'Reilly Factor, Fox; Sightings
and Strange Universe, Fox; NBC's The Other Side; cable's Montel
Williams; Britain's Union Pictures, ITN and BBC; The Discovery
Channel special Evidence On Earth; and the NBC network special,
Mysterious Origins of Man.
Having established himself as an award-winning
director and cinematographer, Robert has continued in his capacity
as producer and filmmaker with Genesis Communications, a West
Coast company.
Regarded as an independent visionary producer of programming that
seeks to enlighten as well as entertain, he brings to the world
community new ideas and concepts leading to new approaches in
healthy living, new ways of being and finally to the development
and evolution of human thought.
As a mentor and teacher, he allows many new talented professionals
the opportunities to develop and express through challenging subject
matter and breakthrough programming, while at the same time following
and encouraging with his passion for new ways of cinematic artistry.
A veteran filmmaker with 25 productions to his credit, his present
motivation in his work, is to encourage the development of a new
spiritual consciousness while seeking to bring about a new awareness
for humanity's purpose. To this effect, he looks for partnership
in any endeavour that finds response on these levels and any broadcaster
willing to brave new ideas.
Nidle was born in New York City on Nov. 11, 1946, and grew up
in Buffalo, New York. His first extraterrestrial and UFO experiences
began shortly after his birth and were highlighted all through
his childhood by various modes of contact phenomena, as well as
accompanying manifestations - light-form communications, extraterrestrial
visitations, and teaching/learning sessions on board spacecraft.
During most of his life, he has enjoyed ongoing telepathic communications
with the Galactic Federation of Light via etheric and physical
Sheldan has visually observed and physically experienced spacecraft throughout the years. What makes his information unique is that it is transmitted to him directly without channeling, scientific when necessary, and encoded with a spiritual language.
Around the age of fourteen, Sheldan requested that the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies discontinue communications with him because he was experiencing overwhelming conflict between their scientific and societal knowledge and that which he was learning here on Earth. They left, but the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies told him that they would be back when it was time to complete his mission for planet Earth and her people. In high school, he was placed in advanced science programs in subject areas such as physics, chemistry, and calculus.
in Political Science, University at Buffalo, (1968)
MA in Southeast Asian Government, Ohio University (1970)
MA in American Politics and International Public Administration,
University of Southern California where he was also a PhD
candidate (1974-1976).
is a lecturer, author, and founder of Planetary Activation Organization
(PAO), an organization with over 2,000 registered groups worldwide.
Sheldan is the author of the best-selling You Are Becoming
A Galactic Human (1994), Your First Contact
(2001), Selamat Ja! A Guide For Galactic Humans
(2001) and Your Galactic Neighbors (2004). In the
1970s, with Syntar Productions, he co-created a documentary on
the life and accomplishments of Nikola Tesla, the genius who invented
the technology of the twentieth century. From the 1970s through
the mid-1980s Sheldan did scientific research on alternative sources
of electrical energy. In the mid-1980s, his ET contacts resumed
and subsequently led him to the spiritual and galactic information
this is provided in his weekly website updates, videotapes, books,
radio and television interviews, workshops and lectures.
Lectures and Workshop Subjects
Preparing for Your First Contact/Mass Landings; Photon Belt and
Our Planet.
Currently, Sheldan is a representative and lecturer for the Galactic Federation of Light and, in November 1997, founded the Planetary Activation Organization (PAO).
Pereira, author and
multidimensional telepath. For more than twenty years Patricia Pereira
had been a down-to-earth medical transcriptionist.
She was the Founding President of the Idaho chapter of the American
Association for Medical Transcription. In 1985 her concern for
the disappearance of endangered species on our planet compelled
her to start the well-known Wolf Recovery Foundation, which helped
restore wolves in Yellowstone and Glacier national parks and in
central Idaho under her presidency.
In 1987 Pereira's life changed
dramatically. She began receiving telepathic communications from
the star Arcturus and has transcribed thousands of pages that
convey a message of hope and encouragement about the changes Earth
will experience in the years to come. These galactically inspired
pages have become the Arcturian Star Chronicles.
When asked why she wanted to publish this series, Pereira says,
"I wanted humanity to see there was hope for the future,
the planet, and society, and that we have the ability and the
technology to make the world a better place."
Patricia Pereira was first contacted
by the Arcturians in late June, 1987. While sitting in meditation
one sunny afternoon, she became aware of an unusual sequence of
words slowly and distinctly forming in her mind. She picked up
pen and paper and wrote them down. She had received her first
Arcturian transmission. Patricia has been in continuous contact
with multidimensional ultraterrestrials* ever since. At the time
she was a 49-year-old, divorced, certified medical transcriptionist.
She had been transcribing doctor's dictation for twenty years
before she learned she was a naturally gifted consciously aware,
multidimensional telepath. Therefore, it wasn't a major leap for
her to shift from transcribing doctor's voices to paper to transcribing
Arcturian thought projections to paper.
The Arcturians' primary message is one of hope for the future,
for the planet and for human society. They are strongly urging
humanity to come to grips with their personal and collective problems,
as a major planetary and galactic vibrational upgrading is envisioned
to take place in and around Earth year 2012.
Patricia has participated in a number of workshops and bookstore
events over the years; most notably the 2000 Wesak celebration
held at Mt. Shasta, California, as well as two annual Ascending
Hearts conferences at Mt. Shasta. She participated in three annual
Arcturian conferences in Sedona, Arizona, sponsored by David Miller,
Arcturian contactee.
Patricia married Clifton Pereira in 1991. Together they opened
Celebration Books, a metaphysical bookstore, in Coeur d'Alene,
Idaho. They returned to Boise in 1998, where Patricia, now a widow
and great-grandmother, continues to live quietly, writing, gardening,
and facilitating meditation groups. She is currently preparing
three, new Arcturian-inspired, manuscripts.
Patricia's primary contacts:
Palpae: Arcturian galactic envoy, Ambassador of Light, Love,
and Peace, Intergalactic Brotherhood of Light, to people of planet
Earth. Preparer and sealer of stellar documents. Patricia's primary
spiritual guardian and an aspect of her Higher Self.
Malantor: Malantor's vibrational essence has risen to eighth-dimensional
qualities since first contacting Patricia. His Arcturian vibrational
identity, Malantor, means "creator of melodious lyrics."
Malantor is an Arcturian poet and intergalactic counselor-teacher
on Earth assignment.
Tashaba: Tashaba is a feminine catlike-humanoid from the
Sirian star system. When she first contacted Patricia she was
serving upon the zoo or ark ship. Her task was to gather DNA codes
and spirit essence imprints of Earth's endangered and extinct
animal and plant species for future Earth retrieval, or for return
to their stars of origin. Tashaba's work was completed several
years ago and she has since returned to her Sirian home.
Sanat Kumara: Sanat Kumara has long served as Earth's Planetary
Logos. He is a noted supreme Light master. Sanat Kumara serves
upon the universal galactic Council of Twenty-four Elders, a highly
positioned order of the light brotherhoods.
Songs of the Arcturians, Vol I: Palpae of Arcturus:
Patricia, we would appreciate your kind willingness to begin a project in affiliation with that of our own, if it so pleases you. We want to elevate the energy patterns of your people, for they suffer greatly and their sorrows run deep. That which is within them that seeks lives of honor, peace, and joy is, instead laced with resonations of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual pain. We therefore request that you fully convey through the pages of this manuscript the essence of greetings and salutations that we, beings of light in residence upon Marigold-City of Lights and the many starships of the Intergalactic Brotherhood extend freely to you. We have gathered our ships like the petals of a magnificent flower to surround your planetary system with the vibrations of universal Love and harmony.
"As improbable as is the
thesis of Songs of the Arcturians--as incredible as are its purported
origins--it is a book to which I return again and again, almost
as if I were coming home. Through some wizardry of stylistic innovation--which
she suggests is due simply to their being of a multidimensional
nature--the otherworldly songs of Patricia Pereira do contain
the vibration of long-forgotten but utterly familiar love between
the planets--just as they are supposed to."
--John Chambers, former senior
editor, McGraw-Hill. He is currently owner-publisher of New Paradigm
Books in Boca Raton, Florida.
Songs of Malantor, Vol III: Malantor:
Despite the building gloom, we encourage renewal of personal optimism. Hark to the sweet, melodious songs of each new day. Indulge in the protective dress of your childhood's innocence. Freely and introspectively immerse yourself in nature's delightful garments. Be of good cheer. The times are rich, exciting, and bursting with spiritual opportunities. Oh, precious gift, you were born to be a part of them.
Go then into the streets and summon those you meet to listen for the majestic song the starships sing. Rejoice in the loving presence of your galactic family.
Dr. Michael E. Salla is a pioneer in the development of exopolitics,
the scholarly study of the political implications of the extraterrestrial
presence. He is the author of Exopolitics: Political Implications
of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004). Dr.
Salla is a world renown scholar in international politics, conflict
resolution and US foreign policy, and is the author/editor of
an additional four books including The Hero's Journey Toward a
Second American Century (Greenwood Press, 2002); Essays on Peace
(Central Queensland University Press, 1995); Why the Cold War
Ended (Greenwood Press, 1995); and Islamic Radicalism, Muslim
Nations and the West (1993). He has also authored more than seventy
articles, chapters, and book reviews on peace, ethnic conflict
and conflict resolution.
Dr. Salla has held academic appointments in the School of International Service, American University, Washington DC (1996-2001), and the Department of Political Science, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (1994-96). Dr Salla taught as an adjunct faculty member in the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington D.C., in 2002; and is currently a Researcher in Residence in the Center for Global Peace, American University (2001-2004). He has a PhD in Government from the University of Queensland, Australia, and an MA in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He has conducted research and fieldwork in the ethnic conflicts in East Timor, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Sri Lanka, and organized peacemaking initiatives involving mid to high-level participants from these conflicts.
Dr. Salla's interest in exopolitics evolved out of his international politics experience that many, if not all, international conflicts were related to the extraterrestrial presence. He launched this web site ( with the online publication of his first study paper, "The Need for Exopolitics" in January 2003. It has to date (March 2004) scored over 4 million hits and continues to attract great interest from those seeking to understand the 'big picture' about the undisclosed extraterrestrial presence and its political implications.
Dr. Salla has conducted extensive interviews for both his exopolitical research and international conflict on Coast to Coast Radio; The Jeff Rense Program; The Gary Null Show; The Hickman Report; Mysteries of the Mind; Voice of America, Television & Radio, Washington D.C.; ABC Radio, Washington D.C.; SBS (Radio), Melbourne, Australia; KSRO (Radio), Santa Rosa, CA.; ABC Online; Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly (TV) Washington D.C.; WTOP (Radio) Washington DC; Hearst-Argyle Television, Washington, DC; CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Comm., TV) News, Washington DC.; MSNBC (TV) News, Washington DC.; KRLA (Radio) Los Angeles; America's Voice (TV), Washington D.C, WMAL (Radio); KDKA (Radio), Pittsburgh, BBC World Service,(Radio); 3ER (Radio), Melbourne, Australia; ABC TV, Canberra, Australia; 2CN, ABC Radio, Canberra, Australia; 2XX (Radio), Canberra, Australia.
Dr. Richard
the author of three books: his latest, Underwater and Underground
Bases, that includes military plans for manned
bases and tunnels beneath the seafloor and expands the scope of
his earlier work. His first book, the ground breaking bestseller,
Underground Bases and Tunnels: What
is the Government Trying to Hide?,
represents his work on the subterranean bases issue. He was the
first person to systematically popularize the mysterious topic
of underground, and then underwater, bases and tunnels by delving
into the open literature, government and industry paper trail.
He also wrote the esoteric Kundalini Tales, which deals
with paranormal and mind control themes.
Richard Sauder is a native Virginian, with an abiding interest
in Forteana, unusual information and anomalous paradigm-busting
data of all varieties. Beginning in early childhood he has experienced
first-hand contact with a variety of paranormal phenomena that
have left him a bit puzzled, flummoxed and thoroughly persuaded
that there is much more to the Earth and to human perception and
consciousness than the mainstream American culture believes.
of Richard's favorite research and reading interests are underground
and underwater bases and tunnels, electronic mind control, Freedom
Technology, human prehistory and remote antiquity, the Kundalini
energy and alternative thought patterns
Richard has discussed his work on numerous radio and TV programs
including Art Bell's Dreamland, Coast to Coast AM with George
Noory, the Lou Gentile Show, the Laura Lee Show, Out There TV
with Kate and Richard Mucci, Strange Daze with Don Ecker, Jeff
Rense's Sightings on the Radio, the Zoh Hieronimus Show, Mitch
Battros's Earth Changes TV, the Uri Geller Show, the BBC, FOX
News (Phoenix) and Ted Loman's UFOAZ Talks. He has also spoken
at the Whole Life Expos in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, the International
UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, the Leeds (U.K.) International
UFO Conference, the NEXUS Magazine International Conference in
Amsterdam, the National UFO Conference in Bordentown, New Jersey,
HUFON (Houston MUFON), Orange County MUFON and at the Little A'LE'
INN in Rachel, Nevada. Most recently, Dr. Sauder spoke at the
X-Conference in Gaithersburg, Maryland and appeared as an invited
author at the UFO Festival in Roswell, New Mexico.
His writings and interviews have appeared in such diverse hard
copy and electronic publications as NEXUS Magazine,
UFO Magazine (U.S. and U.K.), Atlantis Rising, UFO Universe
and on the website. Richard's interest in UFOlogy and
related phenomena extends back to childhood and has continued
uninterrupted into his adult years. His underground bases research
commenced in 1992 and continues to the present day. He has a B.A.
in sociology, an M.A. in Latin American studies, an M.S. in forestry
and a Ph.D. in political science. He currently resides in San
Antonio, Texas where he independently pursues his research and
works as a professional window cleaner for a living.
Almost everyone wants to know more about extraterrestrial reality, whether they have had an experience or are just curious.
Marcia Schafer,
has been holding audiences
spellbound as she speaks out about the truth of the extraterrestrial
presence on this planet. Founder of
Beyond Zebra, a visionary consulting firm, clients come from all
over the world to work with this business strategist as she uniquely
incorporates her off-world experiences with professional expertise
to get folks and their businesses ready for a very different tomorrow.
Schafer prepares you for a world changed by acknowledgement we
are not alone in the universe by offering balanced and thoughtful
education about the extraterrestrial reality and its impending
impact on our future. An award winning author and sought after
speaker, she has been featured internationally as well as in magazines,
radio, television and video. Her book, Confessions of an
Intergalactic Anthropologist, has been read in 15 countries.
A powerful presenter, Marcia explains what she has learned about
our friends in the cosmos, thus helping audiences to look at the
future with new eyes.
Ms. Schafer emphasizes the implications for us as we are about to enter into a new way of life that will include our intergalactic cousins. She reminds us that we must rely on our human gifts of common sense, intellectual reasoning and intuitive wisdom in the coming years to chart our own future. Truly compelling, this confirmation of alien communication is a penetrating and sobering call for all of mankind to prepare for the next stage of extraterrestrial contact. Marcia helps us bridge the gap from disbelief to preparation for meeting what will soon be recognized as our extended family. A powerful presenter, Marcia uses her professional background to explain what she has learned about our friends in the cosmos, thus helping audiences to look at the future with new eyes.
While building bridges of understanding between our world and theirs, she asks you to analyze for yourself what the future may bringand to decide how you may want to contribute to the unfolding disclosure.
You can see more about Marcia on her website and read a chapter of her widely read book online.
Elaine Thompson, International Clairvoyant Medium from the UK and
author of "Voices From Our Galaxy"
I was born in 1949, and have had many paranormal
experiences with Extra-Terrestrials, spirit guides and Angels
throughout my life.
As I neared my thirty-eighth birthday, I decided to 'come out' as a professional medium. My natural ability with clairvoyance had been growing steadily but I mostly kept my visions and messages as a private thing, only for people who had heard of me through friends. In 1989 quite by accident and totally unexpected, I encountered the 'Galactic Federation'.
I had a strange feeling all that day, as if something was about to happen, but as usual, I got on with the chores. I promised myself that I would sit down at 7 p.m. and ask my guides what was going on. I was so busy with the washing and ironing that 7 p.m. came and went. At 8.45, I suddenly felt most peculiar. I felt compelled to sit down quietly and 'listen in'. I made myself comfy, and turned on my hand held recorder. The next hour was one of surprise and disbelief. I was given telepathic greetings by the Commander of a Federation Starship and told many things about my upcoming future. I really needed confirmation on all of this. I had never heard of the 'Galactic Federation', and thought my guides were testing me. I asked for proof.
What the commander did next utterly convinced me of his existence. He asked my permission, and then superimposed his energy-body into my energy field. I felt as if my whole insides were a spinning vortex of energy, like being on a merry-go-round as a child. My whole self felt as if it were spinning like a top, to the point where I began to feel physically sick! He withdrew his energy immediately, apologised for the sensation, but explained it was necessary to give me absolute proof of his existence, so that I wouldn't dismiss the whole thing afterwards as a figment of my imagination.
Other paranormal phenomena followed over the months, including seeing brilliantly sparkling lights whizzing around my hands as I was writing one day. My clairvoyant ability became stronger and one New Year's Eve, I had a full blown 'video show' in my head of all aspects of a spacecraft, and how it worked. Two years on I had begun to draw people's guides as a psychic artist. It was then that I realised there were Extra-Terrestrial's all over earth. I discovered they were here on this planet in many forms, (energy and physical) and were involved with different people from all walks of life. No one was more surprised than I was!
In 1992, I was contacted by a being from the Sirius system. He dictated short stories which gave me spiritual insight into ways of being. These I have included in the last chapter of the book. In 1993, he asked if I would write a book describing various Extra-Terrestrials and their involvement with Planet Earth.
My book, Voices from our Galaxy is a compilation of the communications received over a period of four months with Extra-Terrestrials of many types. I learned that these beings are all conscious of a 'Divine Creator'. Though they might appear different from us in shape and form, they come with a sense of brotherhood and a commitment to a higher purpose. I was reintroduced to the Galactic Federation, how it operates, and its purpose. I met the Andromedan Council and its members, representing 136 inhabited planets. Chapter by chapter I learned what quality of life means for an Extra-Terrestrial: their daily life and work; how they look physically; how they communicate with each other; how they manipulate energy, and what type of energy they use. They told me why they are communicating with us on Earth, about their genetic 'helping', and earth's links with them in the past, present and future. I saw new possibilities for mankind, was given details about the multi-level functioning of the brain in its physical and energetic form, and how some of the parts, as yet still unused, form the gateway into the fourth and fifth dimension. I saw their home planets, and glimpsed what life was like on those other worlds. My communicators described themselves in detail. Some are physically very different from human beings, others are different only in the dimensions that they come from, and their energy vibrations. I was shown a higher wisdom relevant to our existence here on Earth - and how we can deal with our present day difficulties to create a better way of living now. The underlying thrust of the message is for us to get to know them as they are, and not be afraid because they look different. They affirm our birthright to live in harmony and peace and want to guide us towards more evolved levels of existence. From there we can find our place in the Galaxy, and along the way gain knowledge, wisdom and insight into our own spiritual heritage.
Sound Healing Professional
Elaine Thompson is well known in Europe as a Vibrational Retraining expert, part of a striking new field of scientific exploration. It is an entirely new concept, helping us to deal with disease in a non-invasive way, using low frequency sound. Elaine was the first in England to pioneer this technology, traveling throughout Europe, appearing on televised programs featuring her pioneering work which was developed over two decades ago, and based on research obtained in the USA Ms Thompson, measures the levels of stress in a client
Her Vibrational Therapy website is:
Alfred Lambremont Webre author,
lawyer, environmentalist and space activist, believes that as
exopolitics posits, the truest conception of our human circumstance
may be that we are on an isolated planet in the midst of a populated,
evolving, highly organized inter-planetary, inter-galactic, multi-dimensional
Universe society. He believes that we live on a planet that has
been quarantined for eons and that we are now being given an opportunity
to join the rest of the spiritually evolved Universe Society in
peace, thus an opportunity to avoid environmental global self-destruction
or global self-destruction through war.
Webre is a space activist who promotes the ban of space weapons.
He is the co-architect of the Space Preservation Treaty and the
Space Preservation Act that was introduced to the U.S. Congress
by Congressman Dennis Kucinich and is endorsed by 274 Non-Governmental
Organizations world-wide.
Alfred Webre entered Yale University in 1960 and graduated in
1964 with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Administration Honors.
His interest in law brought him to continue his education and
to graduate from Yale Law School with a Juris Doctor in International
law in 1967. While studying at Yale Law School, he was also an
Assistant in Instruction at the Economics Department of the U.S.
Federal Taxation at Yale University (1965-67). In 1967-1968, Mr.
Webre travelled to Montevideo, Uruguay and became a Fulbright
Scholar in Economic Integration. In 1993, he entered the University
of Texas at Brownsville and graduated with a Master of Education
in Counseling in 1997.
Webre became an associate with CLEARY, GOTTLIEB, STEEN & HAMILTON,
in New York City, in 1968. His responsibilities were international
finance, tax, and litigation practice for investment banking,
corporate, and public sector clients. In 1970, he joined the New
York City Environmental Protection Administration as the General
Counsel and Assistant Administrator. He designed and enforced
environmental standards for air, water, noise pollution, and solid
waste management. In 1973, he went to work for the Ford Foundation
in New York City as a consultant. He was in charge of evaluation
and program recommendations in public interest environmental law
program for grantees including Natural Resources Defense Council
and Environmental Defense Fund.
1977, he joined Stanford Research Institute (SRI International)
in Menlo Park, California, as a futurist for the Center for the
Study of Social Policy. His responsibilities were the studies
in alternative futures, innovation diffusion, and social policy
applications for clients including the Carter White House Extraterrestrial
Communications Study, the National Science Foundation, U.S. Congress
(Office of Technology Assessment), the U.S. Department of Energy,
and the State of California (Energy Plan).
Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for the Study of Social Policy
at Stanford Research Institute, Mr. Webre was Principal Investigator
for a proposed civilian scientific study of extraterrestrial communication.
This proposed Study was presented to and developed with interested
White House staff of the Domestic Policy staff of President Jimmy
Carter during the period from May 1977 until the fall of 1977,
when it was terminated because of the political climate at the
time. The management of SRI had received direct communications
from the Pentagon that if the study went forward, SRI's many contracts
with the Pentagon would be terminated. The SRI Pentagon liaison
stated that the project that had just been approved by the White
House was terminated because, as per Mr. Webre, they told him:
"There are no UFOs."
over-all purpose of the proposed 1977 Carter White House Extraterrestrial
Communication Study was to create, design and carry out an independent,
civilian-led research compilation and evaluation of phenomena
suggesting an Extraterrestrial and/or Inter-dimensional intelligent
presence in the near-Earth environment. In other words, to create
a plan for interactive communication between the terrestrial human
culture and that of possible intelligent non-terrestrial civilizations.
designed outcome of the Study was to have been a public White
House report detailing the compiled evidence and evaluation, together
with possible scientific models for the implications of the research.
The White House report was to have contained public policy recommendations
emerging from the evaluations and conclusions of the Study. These,
if warranted, included transformation of secrecy regulations of
U.S. military-intelligence agencies.
scientific and public policy goal of the proposed 1977 Carter
White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study was to fill a
substantial gap in civilian scientific knowledge of the UFO Extraterrestrial
Biological Entities (EBEs), and related phenomena. This knowledge
gap was created and maintained by excessive secrecy practices
and regulations of U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence
agencies in the various generations of its UFO-programs since
the late 1940s, including but not limited to Project Grudge and
Project Blue Book, as well as programs that were alleged to be
1983, Mr. Webre joined the New York State Legislative Institute
as Senior Fellow. He spent time on issues of public policy studies
and legislative initiatives for the New York State legislature
as well as the development of Graduate School of Political Management.
In 1986, he became President of Legal Access Worldwide (L.A.W.)
an international legal access and litigation management firm.
Webre was a member of the Governor's Emergency Taskforce on Earthquake
Preparedness for the state of California between 1980 & 1982.
Between 1982-1987, he was a Non Governmental Organization (NGO)
Delegate at the United Nations in New York. He was involved with
the communications coordination committee for the UN, with the
UNISPACE Outer Space Conference (Vienna) and involved with the
UN Second Special Session on Disarmament. In 1987, Mr. Webre produced
and hosted the Instant of Cooperation, the first live radio broadcast
between USA and the then Soviet Union, carried live by Gosteleradio
and NPR satellite. In 1996, he was an elected delegate to the
Texas Democratic Presidential Convention in Dallas, Texas. In
2000, he was a presenter at the Presidential Forum on Off-Planet
Cultures Policy at the Santa Clara Convention Center in California.
Since 2002, he is the host of a public affairs radio talk show
on Co-op Radio in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is a founding
director of Canada's No Weapons in Space Campaign (NOWIS)
established in 2002. In 2004, he created the Campaign for Cooperation
in Space (CCIS) an international organization where he works with
others to prevent the weaponization of space and promote the transformation
of the war economy into a peaceful, cooperative space exploration
Institute for Cooperation in Space
-- Mr. Alfred Webre and Dr. Carol Rosin founded the Institute
for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) in 2001. The ICIS mission is to
educate decision-makers and the grassroots about why it is important
to ban space weapons. Through the help of Congressman Dennis Kucinich,
the Space Preservation Act (HR 3657) was introduced to the 108th
Congress on January 23, 2002.
continues to lobby for a Space Preservation Treaty conference
where leaders of the world would gather to ban space weapons.
Supported by former Minister of National Defence Hon. Paul Hellyer
who believes that this treaty would help put a cap on the war
industry and open the door for international cooperation in outer
space exploration. Thus, transforming the "war based"
economy into a "peace based" economy. The ICIS board
is made up of various prominent individuals such as former astronauts
Edgar Mitchell & Dr. Brian O'Leary, as well as Arthur C. Clarke,
former ambassador James George, General Council Daniel Sheehan
and a founder of International Earth Day (March 21st), John McConnell.
-- After a lifetime of experiences, research and interactions
with key players, Mr. Webre believes that there is intelligent
extraterrestrial life in our Universe. He is the author of the
book Exopolitics: A Decade of Contact (2000-2001) (
The exopolitics model functionally maps the operation of politics,
government and law in an intelligent Universe, and provides an
operational bridge between models of terrestrial politics, government
and law, and the larger models of politics, government and law
in Universe society.
Webre believes that as exopolitics posits, the truest conception
of our human circumstance may be that we are on an isolated planet
in the midst of a populated, evolving, highly organized inter-planetary,
inter-galactic, multi-dimensional Universe society. He believes
that we live on a planet that has been quarantined for eons and
that we are now being given an opportunity to join the rest of
the spiritually evolved Universe Society in peace, thus an opportunity
to avoid environmental global self-destruction or global self-destruction
through war. His views are not unlike the conclusion of other
independant researchers such as Associate Professor of Political
Science, Dr. Courtney Brown and the late Harvard Medical School
Professor of psychiatry, Dr. John Mack, who believed that we must
become Galactic Citizens.
Webster (aka, Dolphinus)
So, here's my story:
I was living a wonderful, creative life for twenty years with winters in Scottsdale, Arizona and summers in Santa Fe, New Mexico as the director of one of a hand-full of high end Modern and Contemporary fine art galleries in the world. Many would say that I led an ideal life that not only included frequent trips to exotic parts of the world, but constant contact with creative geniuses and fascinating collectors who came to participate in the extraordinary events staged at the galleries in those two cities. I can honestly say that I would not trade those twenty years of experience for anything in the world, but by the same token I had to leave it all behind, because I was compelled to follow another course in my life. Compelled because of the profound earth changes that are upon us.
Since 1997 I have been living on the Kona Coast of the Big Island of Hawai'i; home of the active volcano, Kilauea (which means "spewing"). This amazing area is naturally charged and beautiful, though somewhat primitive by mainland standards of luxury. I was drawn here because of my passion: the opportunity of swimming with a friendly pod of wild Spinner dolphins that regularly come into a bay held sacred by the Hawaiians, known as the "Gateway to the Gods". This activity, combined with focused inner work, has acted to facilitate changes within me that I believe is part of the process of preparation for these greater earth changes that are occurring even as I write this.
For me, understanding the so-called Holographic Universe paradigm came directly from the cetaceans. Their very physical reality is defined by holographic terms and wave patterns of information. This seems increasingly obvious to many who've spent time in the company of dolphins. Most linear descriptions of these concepts get people confused. For me, understanding it comes from a place I've called, Intuitive Awareness. It's a personal approach to understanding the nature of the 'Zero Point' mentality of Everything and Nothing existing simultaneously in harmony rather than conflict. *Zero* is very a powerful icon in and of itself. Perhaps more than any other, it is this very symbol that has clear, connecting, multidimensional cross-cultural meanings. It can also act as the 'portal' that leads to the 'Multiverse,' beyond the restrictions of Time/Space Continuum(s). All such symbols offer contributing factors in our newly defined matrix of existence that is being molded by our very thoughts thinking our Existence instantly into being at every moment, fractally unfolding. For me, it is only through this Zero Point that we can fully enter into the NOW, where no past or future exists. It becomes more than a metaphor for living, it is literally ~ THE WAY IT IS!
Trouble is, like most people, I struggle with that kind of responsibility. It's always easier to blame outside forces and blame a society that has been weaned into disempowering ourselves from the earliest age. Only when we give up the need to know do the answers really begin to appear. And with every revelation of knowing, the abyss of doubt becomes even more apparent as perhaps the only atmosphere were Universal Truth might exist as a naturally formed bubblering: A tube torus that floats like a balloon in an atmosphere of perfect buoyancy.
Whew! It's no wonder the cetaceans evolved back into the sea. It best approximates the fluid, interconnectivity of such a Multiverse. They've gotten rid of nearly all the linear distractions and have chosen to be totally conscious of every moment through an evolved biological imperative: B r e a t h i n g. These guys have GOT IT GOIN' ON all the time!
As a meager species that struggles to maintain a 10% level of cognitive awareness, humans still have a few million years to go to reach their levels of their conscious awareness. Cetaceans represent the most obvious and tangible example of sentient intelligences outside of humans on this planet. There are others that are being revealed at this time as we adapt to the very idea, and allow for their sublime existence in our frames of reference. The walls of ignorance and separation are now being disolved. With unconditional love and peace in our hearts, shown to us by the Cetaceans, we will survive to see the splendor of a Universal Harmony. It will be so. Sooner than later.
As we enter into this New Millennium a Spiritual Awakening Revolution is taking place right before us. Just as the Industrial Revolution slipped into the collective consciousness a hundred years ago, so to this new perceptive awareness is taking a foothold and shifting the way we see ourselves as a society and our relationship to one another and the world in which we live. A concept such as the Cetacean Nation presents us with a view that allows for a sentient intelligence outside of humans on this planet. It represents the beginning of a new mentality that may lead to our finding a simple balance and harmony with our environment that has been enjoyed for millions of years by our aquarian neighbors. It's time we acknowledge our connection to the dolphins and whales as well as our relationship to all living creatures who share our Holographic existence on this material plane. The time has come. . .