Huge Triangle Dims Airport
Lights In Puerto Rico
- Photo From Scott Corrales
INEXPLICATA - The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
SOURCE: Proyecto Argus DATE: 9-14-05
ARGUS Reports
The following is a preliminary report
of this event in Puerto Rico -- the flight of a large triangular
UFO over Puerto Rico. More witnesses to this sighting are coming
forward, since there were more people on the avenue when the event
took place. We would like any witnesses living in Puerto Rico's
Carolina and Urb. Los Angeles districts to please phone us at
the following numbers in order to continue our research. At this
time only one person has photographed the object, but we are aware
that more people saw it, including administrative personnel from
the [Luis Munoz Marin International] Airport. Tel. 787-821-1671
and 787-764-3206
Transcript of the Interview by Willie
Durand Urbina and Jose A. Martinez Echevarria with the witness
to the triangular UFO seen on May 15, 2005 at 12:16 a.m.
Willie: Hi Wilfredo, please tell us the
experience you had when you left work. Wilfredo: Well, it was
one night when I left work at around 12 midnight. I was in the
town of Carolina near the Los Angeles development, on an avenue
exactly facing the airport and beyond Baldorioty [de Castro Avenue],
or exactly behind Baldorioty. Then I saw a glow that came from
behind a hill and thought it was strange.
Willie: There's a hill there?
Wilfredo: That's right, in the rear.
That's when I heard the dogs barking, the birds singing and I
saw the animals were becoming desperate. I was frightened. What
could it be?
Then when I looked behind me, I saw a great, very large glow.
But I couldn't see the craft because I was inside the van. I pulled
the van over and got out -- that's when I saw an immense triangular
object. I can't give you the exact measurments, can't describe
it in meters, but I can tell you [and compare it] to the size
of a ball park or two enormous ball parks. It was going very slowly
and passed directly over me.
Willie: Was it making any noise in particular?
Wilfriedo: None. No sound, just a light
coming out of the middle.
Willie: Did you feel any heat, atmospheric
changes, or temperature [changes] as the object went by?
Wilfredo: Yes, it seems that the light
emitted some sort of heat, I don't know what kind of heat. It
was like a high voltage bulb and you could feel the heat of the
light. It made no noise whatsoever and was going slowly, very
slowly, and thats when the van's engine and lights went out completely.
I got inside, tried to turn the engine over, but nothing. Ahh!!
But before getting inside, I took my camera phone and tried to
take photos of the object, but I had to remove the fidner to lower
the light intensity, because it couldn't be seen in the photos
when I took it. I removed the light intensity from the camera
and that's how I managed to capture the craft and photograph it.
Then I took another photo from inside my vehicle, and that's strange
, because nothing electrical worked, yet the cellphone cameraa
worked. I don't know how, but its as if they were (allowing me
to take the pictures.)
Willie: Did other cars stop as the UFO
flew overhead?
Wilfredo: Yes, there were some 3 cars
but quite far from where I was. When the UFO went away, my van
started up just fine. I even found it strange that the airport
was under [the object's path] and its lights also went out. There
must be more people there who saw the object, too. After passing
over the airport it went higher and vanished into the sky at high
Willie: Did you see any airplanes at
the sighting spot or near it, in the vicinity of the sky?
Wilfredo: I didn't see any other airplanes
flying over the area. It was also cloudy. In fact [as the object
rose] it was possible to see the clouds very well lit by the object
as it ascended. It was so immense that the glow continued lighting
up more and more clouds. I looked at this and thought "wow!"
Willie: And it lit up the area you were
Wilfredo: Yes, it all looked like noon.
It was incredible.
"Senate pressured to hold hearings on ET"
26, 2005
pressured to hold hearings on ET
number of groups have joined forces with former Canadian Defence
Minister Paul Hellyer in urging Parliament to hold public hearings
on 'exopolitics' - or relations with extraterrestrials (ETs).
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) were reacting to a speech
made by Hellyer in September in Toronto in which he warned that
"UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head.''
said he is concerned the United States is preparing weapons for
use against the aliens and could get the whole world into an
"intergalactic war.'' According to Hellyer, the Americans'
interest in returning to the moon is in part based on the desire
to build a forward military base there.
three organizations backing Hellyer's request for hearings are
the Institute for Co-operation in Space (ICIS), the Toronto Exopolitics
Symposium and the Disclosure Project, a U.S.-based organization
that has assembled high-level military-intelligence witnesses
of a possible ET presence.
this month, the Senate replied to the ICIS that their full agenda
precluded any hearings in the near future on ET issues.
does not deter us," one spokesman for the NGOs said, "We
are going ahead with our request to Prime Minister Paul Martin
and the official Opposition leaders in the House of Commons now,
and we will re-apply to the Senate of Canada in early 2006.
is on the side of open disclosure that there are ethical extraterrestrial
civilizations visiting Earth.''
Mexico ETV Reports
To: Chief of Staff (all House and Senate offices)
Washington, DC - On Tuesday
in Mexico City infrared footage of lights engaging and surrounding
a military jet (much in the manner of the legendary Foo Fighters
of World War II) was released to the public. Notably, this footage
was provided to researcher and journalist Jamie Maussan by the
Mexican Defense Ministry. As reported by the Associated Press:
Mexico City - Mexican air
force pilots filmed 11 unidentified flying objects in the skies
over southern Campeche state, a Defence Department spokesman
confirmed Tuesday.
A videotape made widely
available to the news media Tuesday shows the bright objects,
some sharp points of light and others like large headlights,
moving rapidly in what appears to be a late-evening sky.
The lights were filmed
March 5 by pilots using infrared equipment. They appeared to
be flying at an altitude of about 3,500 metres and allegedly
surrounded the air force jet as it conducted routine anti-drug
trafficking vigilance in Campeche. Only three of the objects
showed up on the plane's radar.
This footage is a fraction
of the thousands of photographs and videos taken of nighttime
and daylight disks also observed by citizens in the skies over
Mexico since 1991 - easily the largest "flap" of sightings
in the modern era. Naturally, these sightings were dismissed
by U.S. media, often by reasoning which could be construed as
xenophobic and racist.
It is important that Members
of Congress see this release of evidence by the defense department
of a foreign country as a "shot across the bow" of
the United States demonstrating a growing impatience with the
U.S. embargo on the truth of the extraterrestrial presence. There
have been others. In November of 2002 the United Kingdom's Ministry
of Defence made a substantial release of previously classified
documents relating to the extraordinary events at Bentwaters
Air Force Base near Rendlesham Forest in 1980. In July of 1999
a "non-governmental" committee (COMETA), notably composed
of former French military and agency officials, released a two-year
study, the COMETA Report, which among other things, clearly indicated
the likelihood of an extraterrestrial explanation for the world
wide sightings and chastised the United States government for
its obdurate and unenlightened position on the matter.
Other nations are losing
patience with the U.S. led truth embargo. One of them is going
to break ranks and end this embargo and take this legacy for
itself. The United States Congress is doing absolutely nothing
to assert its prerogatives in a matter of extreme national significance.
It will be permanently damaged if it does not take action - NOW.
Associated Press:
COMETA Report Article:
The government imposed
embargo on the truth of an extraterrestrial presence will and
must end. X-PPAC stands ready to assist Members and their staff
to engage the "politics of disclosure."
Contact: Stephen Bassett
Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
Phone: 202-431-2459
4938 Hampden Lane, #161
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Stan Friedman, physicist, regarding ETs and ETVs in
(Responding to people saying the ET
Vehicles filmed by the Mexican Air Force are not really UFOs) -- May 13, 2004
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann
one of America's leading, most respected
and foremost UFO authorities, on the
Mexican UFOs video.
Joining me now Stanton
Friedman, a nuclear physicist, pioneer in the field of ufology.
His forthcoming book is called "Flying Saucers and Science."
Mr. Friedman, good evening.
FRIEDMAN: Good evening, Keith.
OLBERMANN: Reports now say that this is some new stealth - similar
to the
F-117-A. Do you buy that?
FRIEDMAN: No, I don't buy it at all.
First place, we wouldn't be testing them down there. In the second
place, there were too many of them. And in the third place, stealth
normally applies to radar. They were seen on radar. They weren't
visually, but they were seen by sophisticated infrared equipment.
So it
makes no sense that we would be doing this. We would be using
them over
in Iraq is what we'd be doing.
OLBERMANN: Yes. Is there any - if it's not stealth fighters,
there any natural earthbound explanations for this?
FRIEDMAN: Well, I sure can't see one. I have heard all kinds
of ones,
space debris, meteorites. It makes no sense.
They were in formation. They were around the object. The sighting
for many, many minutes. They took off at very high speed. We
know that
the information came from the Mexican Department of Defense.
They say
there's no national security impact. I think if there were bombers
flying over their country, they would be worried about that.
OLBERMANN: Yes. But what I want to know is, how hopped up ufologists
about this? Where does this rank among the supposed sightings
perhaps the real sightings in the last 57 years?
FRIEDMAN: Well, it ranks high because of the source of the information.
When was the last time a U.S. government military official gave
footage taken by military aircraft of strange stuff that's flying
The 'Cosmic Watergate' is real. And, unfortunately, it is very
hard to
get data out of the U.S. or even the Canadian government. So
this is a
real break with past practice in North America by military persons.
OLBERMANN: A big picture question. Maybe this is too philosophical
we're - I'm staring at one of the great breakthrough moments
in the
history of the world and I'm asking you a philosophical question.
But why do you think, if they keep coming here, we have not had
"Klaatu Barada Nikto" big moment? Why do they seem
to keep coming to
this planet and never stopping to visit with all of us? Essentially,
these look like "drive-by aliens?"
FRIEDMAN: Are we worth talking to?! I think they're here - frankly,
If you were an alien, would you want us out there? We're a
primitive society whose MAJOR ACTIVITY IS TRIBAL WARFARE. I think
are concerned that we will take our brand of friendship, obviously
hostility, out there, which, if you were an alien, you would
want to be
very wary of these characters here.
Of course, we don't know that there hasn't been contact with
but they have not landed on my lawn. And I don't think they have
on the White House lawn either.
OLBERMANN: Yes, when they show up in the studio, then we will
declare that they are here. Well, we'll follow this one.
Stanton T. Friedman, the author of "Flying Saucers and Science,"
thanks for your time, sir.
FRIEDMAN: My pleasure.

World renowned scientist and researcher,
Linda Moulton Howe in an interview with Jaime Mousson asked if the Mexican government
had had contact with the US government about the ETVs over the
State of Campeche.You would think the Mexican government would
want to confirm it was not American advanced stealth aircraft
flying over Mexico. But, the answer was that when the objects
in the sky are on the radar screens and cannot be seen with the
eyes, the Mexican Air Force did not think that even the US has
the technology to render their planes invisible!
Article by Linda
Moulton Howe
Mexico's Department
of Defense
Releases UFO Information
Evidence of an International
Rift in the Management of UFO's/Extraterrestrial Affairs?
On Tuesday, May 11, 2004, an international press conference
was held to announce the findings of a joint official and private
effort to investigate a UFO sighting. What is remarkable in the
press conference is that Department of Defense collaborated with
a top Mexican UFO researcher, Jaime Maussan, in the release of
information concerning the appearance of up to 11 UFO's in the
vicinity of a Mexican Air force flight that was on a drug surveillance
mission on March 5, 2004. Using infrared cameras and radar tracking,
the eight-man crew of the Merlin C26/A flight was able to monitor
the UFOs, which at one point formed a circle around the flight.
In investigating the incident, the Air force contacted Jaime
Maussan and asked him to participate in the inquiry.
The release of data on the UFOs taken by a Mexican Air force
crew was certainly a coup for Maussan who released the information
in the popular television program 'Great Mysteries of the Third
Millennium' on May 9, 2004. Maussan was initially contacted on
April 20, by the Department of Defense and had a meeting the
next day with General Clemente Vega Garcia, Secretary of Defense
and his senior officials. The Secretary of Defense went further
however than simply informing Maussan of the incident. General
Clemente released film and other data of the incident to Maussan
that he could investigate with his own independent research team.
The Department of Defense confirmed to international media outlets
such as Reuters in a May 11 Press Conference that it had handed
over the film and data to Maussan. This was certainly unprecedented
and signaled a major new approach to dealing with the UFO phenomenon
by a major world government.
Up to the present time, there appears to have been a well-coordinated
international effort in managing UFO sightings and reports of
UFO crashes. These have typically been handled in a way suggesting
a sophisticated global system for dealing with UFO sightings,
and even collecting the remains of crashed UFOs, without witnesses
having much credibility before the mass media. This global management
system has prevented governmental releases of UFO information
to the general public and international media. Whatever releases
did occur typically involved private civilians rather than military
personnel in their official capacities revealing UFO information.
In the US, military personnel have been legally proscribed from
participating in the release of information of UFO sightings
according to military regulations described in the Joint Army
Navy Air Publication (JANAP) 146 released in 1953. Similar provisions
are found in the British Ministry of Defense and other major
nations that have had to deal with the UFO phenomenon, and/or
cooperate closely with the US.
This official international system for repressing UFO reports
suffered a significant setback in 1999 with the release of a
French government supported study of the UFO phenomenon. The
COMETA Report comprised former top military officials and found
credible evidence to support the existence of UFOs as phenomenon
that required serious political attention. The COMETA report
was not widely covered in the US but signaled that major nations
differed in how much information they should release to their
general publics. In December 2002, the British Ministry of Defense
released a file on the Rendlesham UFO incident of 1980 describing
one of the most well document UFO sightings in British history.
Significantly, the US military has not released its own files
of the incident despite having played a leading investigatory
role at Rendlesham. The respective official positions over the
Rendlesham files suggests a clear difference of opinion between
the British and US military officials over the extent to which
UFO information will be released to the general public and the
mass media.
The participation of the Mexican Department of Defense in
collaborating with Maussan in releasing information on a contemporary
UFO sighting is unprecedented. This is a significant development
that goes even further than the COMETA report in challenging
the non-disclosure position supported by the US government that
apparently plays a major role in the international management
system in place for UFO sightings/crashes. The Mexican Department
of Defense effort in collaborating with Maussan simultaneously
achieves a number of things. First, it helps legitimate research
into the UFO phenomenon that now has official government support
as a credible field of study at least in Mexico. Second, it legitimates
the investigatory skills and experiences of private Mexican researchers
such as Maussan. Third, it comes at a time of great international
friction over the war in Iraq suggesting that this Mexican initiative
marks a major rupture in the de facto global management system
for UFOs that echoes global dissent over US policies in Iraq.
If the COMETA report and the release of the Rendlesham files
are solid indicators of the European position towards UFO disclosure,
then it appears that the US is becoming increasingly isolated
in its strict non-disclosure policy.
If indeed there is a major rift in the global management system
over the rate and extent to which disclosure of UFOs sightings
and/or UFO evidence is made to the general public of major states,
then it may be predicted that further disclosures by other governments
are likely. It may be concluded that the Mexican Department of
Defense collaboration with private UFO researchers heralds a
major new phase in the UFO phenomenon. With a more integrated
global media and Internet, it will be very difficult if impossible
for the mass media in the US to ignore UFO developments in other
countries. If major world governments begin disclosing information
concerning contemporary UFO sightings, then it may be predicted
that the non-disclosure policy in place for over 50 years may
soon come to an end. This would usher in the age of exopolitics
where the political implications of an extraterrestrial presence
would predictably dominate global politics.
Michael E.Salla, PhD
May 12, 2004
"Mexico Air Force Video Creates UFO Stir,"
"Mexican DOD Acknowledges UFOs In Mexico,"
"COMETA Report,"
"Rendlesham UFO Incident,"
Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate among
private individuals and groups, post on all Internet sites and
publish in full in all not-for-profit publications. Contact author
for all other rights, which are reserved.
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 12:25:55 -0500
Subject: RE: The UFO Phenomenon in Mexico
Hello Andrea,
Thank you for your message and your interest on the Mexico UFO
You speak wise words and I agree with you.
We are in a gentle mood here for those ET crafts that have been
very close to our people since the beginning of this amazing
wave in July 11, 1991.
Yes, I'm convinced that the ET's feel confident and free interacting
with us without any danger for them by the military or the government.
The spiritual sense of the Mexicans is great and in every heart
of each Mexican there is a familiar feeling towards these beautiful
The actual conditions here in Mexico are perfect to concert a
contact and the Mexicans are ready in mind and consciousness
to receive these space brothers anytime.
We just hope this contact arrive very soon.
Receive my best regards,
(I'm including this brief story of my
friend Carlos Diaz. He visited the Big Island ten years ago and
I had the pleasure of meeting him in person. He is a gentle
soul and true humanitarian. After more than a decade of contact
with Extraterrestials, he began to video his extraordinary experiences
just after the full solar eclipse of July 11, 1991, when there
were multiple sightings in Mexico City. His explanations of Plasma
ships confirm my own experiences with these brilliant light vehicles.
His video footage of the ships with his explanation of how they
manifest into our physical reality is included in his video, "Ships
of Light." Since Carlos has had contact with this ET civilization,
the entire focus of his life is about helping humanity and planet
Earth. - Joan)
morning in January 1981, Mexican photographer Carlos Diaz pulled
into a deserted car park at Ajusco Park near Mexico City. He was
on an assignment for a magazine, and had arranged to meet a journalist
who was yet to arrive. Diaz sat in his car, preparing his camera
for the job ahead. Although it was early in the morning, the air
was thick with humidity which made even sitting still uncomfortable.
Impatiently, Diaz began to look at his watch. Suddenly, his attention
was caught by a strange yellow glow coming from the valley below
him. At first he thought it was a forest fire, but, an instant
later, the source of light revealed itself to be a large, orange,
oval-shaped UFO, slowly hovering about 30 metres from his car.
Unable to believe his eyes, Diaz quickly grabbed his camera. With
it resting on his steering wheel, he began frantically firing
off shots. Then, without warning, the whole car began to shake
violently. Diaz got out of the vehicle and took two more photographs
before the craft sped up vertically into the sky, leaving Diaz
in a state of shock. This encounter marked the beginning of what
was to develop into one of he most fascinating and long-running
contactee cases in the history of UFOlogy. Today, the case remains
among a small minority of alledged extraterrestrial encounters
to be supported by verified film documentation that has stood
up to the scrutiny of a range of experts.
the apparent credibility of Diaz's claims has attracted the attention
of some of the world's top UFO researchers, including German author
Michael Hesemann and abduction researcher Dr John Mack. Both concluded
that Diaz's story is completely credible. Hesemann echoes the
views of most researchers when he states: 'The Carlos Diaz case
is the most important case of documented alien-human contact to
have emerged in modern times.' Certainly, at the time of his initial
encounter, Diaz little suspected what was to come. The transition
from a run-of-the-mill UFO sighting in an area now acknowledged
as a UFO hot-spot, to one of the key cases of recent years did
not occur until weeks later. In the days that followed this January
sighting, Diaz remained preoccupied by his experience. Unable
to forget what he had seen, he repeatedly returned to the Ajusco
Park location, hoping to secure more pictures. After a succession
of fruitless visits, Diaz began to think that he was wasting his
time. But then, on 23rd of March, his patience was rewarded.
roaming the greenery, Diaz was again alerted to the presence of
a UFO by an orange glow, which he could see only dimly through
the fog and rain that had saturated the forest in Ajusco Park.
As he climbed up the walls of the valley, he managed to position
himself within 45 metres of the object. Diaz watched the 'craft'
hovering above him, eminating a bright orange light. It was, he
said, dome-shaped with a smooth ring in its centre. This, claimed
Diaz, was covered with a number of half spheres, each around one
metre in diameter. Crouching behind some rocks, Diaz thought his
actions had gone unnoticed, but, as he continued to watch the
craft, he felt someone grab his shoulder from behind. Diaz immediately
fainted, and, when he awoke, it was dark and the UFO was gone.
He was shocked to discover that, despite heavy rain, his clothes
were completely dry. At that point, he knew something strange
had happened to him. When he returned to his car, Diaz noticed
another car parked in front of him. At this point, Diaz claimed,
a humanoid entity with fair hair approached him and told him that
if he wanted to know more about what he had just experienced,
he should return to the same spot at noon the following day. Apparently,
when Diaz returned the next day, he discovered the same entity
sitting on the grass. Diaz claimed that the being then turned
to him and explained that it was he who grabbed his shoulder the
previous day. Before leaving, the being also told Diaz that he
had come from inside the craft and that Diaz would gradually recover
his memory of what had happened while he was unconscious. Sure
enough, over the next few months, Diaz's memory returned, piece
by piece.
to his account, he recalled the craft hovered directly over his
head. As he attempted to touch the craft, his hand seemed to pass
through the yellow light and he seemed to merge with it. The next
thing he recalled was seeing the craft parked on a platform inside
a giant cave. Diaz was filled with awe when he remembered what
he had seen inside: 'It was full of stalagmites, some of which
were carved into what appeared to be Mayan sculptures,' he
stated. 'I saw many people in the cave, some of whom waved
to me and, in a state of shock, I waved back.' Apparantly
the being Diaz had encountered in the park then led him to a smaller
cave which contained seven glowing, egg-shaped orbs, one of which
Diaz was invited to step into. On entering, Diaz could at first
only see yellow light.
then he found himself surrounded by the image of a forest. 'I
could see all the details of the forest as if I was walking through
it,' said Diaz. 'I couldn't touch anything, but I could
feel the temperature and moisture. I could see and experience
everything, yet I wasn't physically there.' His guide then
told him that the orbs were also a system for storing information
and that certain data had been imparted to him. Diaz was then
returned to the ship and, in time, to the park.
to Diaz, this was only the first of a series of contacts with
the same beings, which continue to this day. Since 1981, Diaz
has stated that his experience inside the orbs has enabled him
to 'travel' to different regions of the Earth's ecosystem - forest,
desert, jungle, shoreline, even Arctic areas - with his ET contact.
Through this contact, Diaz claims to have been imbued with an
awareness of the interconnectedness of all life and the need to
preserve our environment. To many UFOlogists, especially those
who have had their 'fingers burnt' by alledged contactees before,
these claims may appear far-fetched. However, Diaz is seen by
many researchers as a highly reliable source, not least because
of the strong body of photographic evidence he has amassed to
support his claims.
TV journalist and UFOlogist Jaime Maussan, who has been at the
centre of UFO investigations in Mexico since the wave began in
1991, believes that Diaz's UFO photographs are among the most
impressive he has seen. Maussan took Diaz's photographs to Jim
Dilettoso, an image processing expert at Village Labs, in Tucson,
Arizona, who concluded they were genuine. After satisfying himself
he was not dealing with a hoaxer, Maussan visited Diaz at his
hime in Tepoztlan, Mexico. There, he spoke to a number of other
witnesses who claimed to have seen exactly the same type of UFO.
The apparent credibility of the Diaz case has also attracted UFO
researchers from further afield, who have attempted to glean insights
into the alien agenda from Diaz's contactee claims. German author
Michael Hesemann, who first interviewed Diaz in June 1994, is
convinced of the credibility of Diaz's story. 'Not only is
he contacting these beings through encounters on the ships,' says
Hesemann, 'but he claims to be meeting these beings socially,
since he believes some of them are living among us.' However
Hesemann explains that, according to Diaz, the beings are reluctant
to fully disclose their origins. 'Apparently,' says Hesemann, 'they did, however, explain that they have been visiting Earth
for thousands of years, and are particularly interested in our
evolution which, compared to their own, has happened at a much
faster rate. They are trying to learn why.'
UFO researcher intrigued by Diaz's case is Professor of Psychiatry
at Harvard Medical School, John Mack. Mack has a long history
of dealing with abductees and contactees and believes that the
Diaz case is among the most convincing he has come across. in
his book Passport to the Cosmos, he states: 'Out of
all the experiencers I have worked with, it is Carlos Diaz who
seems to have developed the richest understanding of the interconnected
web of nature. Diaz's experience of connecting with living creatures
is so intense that he seems literally to become the thing he is
describing.' Diaz's experience, Mack claims constitutes an 'awakening', a process which, he says, is common in abductees.
Diaz told Mack that his contact with the ETs had instilled in
him a need to preserve the environment and the ability to 'enjoy
a beautiful planet'. Whether or not an extraterrestrial influence
was involved, Diaz's new-found concern for the environment has
certainly become a driving force in his life. he has repeatedly
and passionately conveyed this environmental warning publicly,
most notably at a UFO conference in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1995.
Diaz has revealed that he had been informed through his contacts
that the civilization of the visiting extraterrestrial, like ours,
had been threatened by its own history of destruction, but had
somehow managed to survive. He remains convinced that his contacts'
disturbing prediction for our future is only too real - a prediction
that states with near certainty that humanity, on its current
course, is headed for total extinction.
outspokenness, coupled with the public nature of his experience,
has le Diaz to assume visionary status in both his home town of
Tepoztlan and UFO circles. however, Diaz has been quick to dispute
this, claiming that he is not a unique visionary, but merely 'a
messenger'. The real nature of Diaz's current incarnation
aside, for many UFOlogists, the Diaz case remains among the most
convincing on record. Indeed, few UFO reports exist that boast
such impressive and abundant photographic evidence. And fewer
still have emerged that have stood up to the scrutiny applied
to Diaz's images.
analysis of Carlos Diaz's UFO pictures has been extremely thorough.
Mexican UFOlogist Jaime Maussan gave the original transparencies
to Professor Victor Quesada at the Polytechnical Institute of
the University of Mexico for examination. Quesada stated: 'We
were shocked to discover that the spectrum of light from the object
was unlike anything we have ever seen, it broke all previous parameters
and didn't match anything in our data banks. The light was extraordinarily
intense. There was no evidence of superimposition or a hoax. We
estimated the object to be around 30 to 50 metres in diameter.' Interestingly, the photographs were also analysed by Dr Robert
Nathan at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. Nathan,
a notorious UFO sceptic, stated that he could find no evidence
of a fake.
for many who have examined the three
images, the first shot is the most impressive.
In it, the orange glowing craft can be seen through the
windshield of the car, and light from the object is reflected
both off the car's bonnet and off the metal guard rail by
the side of the road. These, in particular, are details that
experts claim are extremely difficult to fake.
UFOlogist Jaime maussan was so intrigued by Carlos Diaz's account
of his experiences that he provided him with a video camera and
asked him to see if he could record the UFO on tape when it next
appeared. A few weeks later, Diaz awoke at 5 a.m. and grabbed
his camera. he walked out and waited. Apparently, within minutes,
the craft appeared and hovered over the house, where Diaz filmed
it. When Maussan saw the remarkable footage, he asked Diaz if
he could get even closer to the craft while filming. Two months
later, Diaz was once again able to film the craft, which this
time hovered directly above him, without moving.
it is Diaz's third attempt to capture the craft on video that
is the most spectacular. In this footage, Diaz having mounted
his camera on a tripod, walks to the bottom of a field waving
a flash light. Responding to this, the craft suddenly materializes
directly above Diaz's head and sends beams of light down towards
him. Then, the unidentified object remains motionless for 30 seconds,
before blinking out. It is universally recognized that this video
contains some of the best UFO footage ever taken.
article originally appeared in issue 89 of The X Factor.