The Multiverse
During our seminars we visit the holographic matrix that surrounds the Earth and enter it to visit other timelines. This is a process that was revealed to Joan by our E.T. friends and it has been extremely useful for moving into the 5th dimension. It is a spiritual, practical proven effective experience, in which we use our personal wisdom and the natural energies of the Earth and the hyperdimensional portal at the Ranch to access this quantum space.
We exist in many timelines and we can enter a timeline in our own future to see what is unfolding for us. We enter an accelerated time where our ‘futures’ are already being created. This innovative and successful work relates to current science about Parallel Universes, parallel worlds and our own parallel realities. I encourage you to study the fascinating work of physicists Max Tegmark, Hugh Everett III and Michio Kaku specializing in these subjects. 
In 1989 the dolphins told me we can Re-Create our past. We can change it and make it better if we want to. I didn’t understand back then how to do that, but I knew they were telling me the truth. They always speak to us with honesty and integrity. But how can we re-write something that has already gone by, something that is part of our history? Now, 20 years later, I understand what they mean and how to do it. It is very exciting. It is also simple and lots of fun!!