August 2002
For me personally there
is a connection between the Dolphin Rings crop circle reported
on August 12 near Alton Barnes, and the Extraterrestrial Face/Coded
Disk crop circle near Winchester, U.K, reported on August 15.
It relates to the safety of the earth.
There is a lie being told
by the U.S. Navy, that the huge dangerous infrastructure of low
frequency sonar being deployed around the earth is to protect
us from enemy submarines. If that is true, then why is this sonar
to be used in 80% of the worlds oceans instead of near mainland
America? What enemy is there who is an enemy of the whole world?
Through my on-going communications
with the dolphins and whales, I have learned that this sonar
weaponry is being deployed worldwide to prevent our brothers
and sisters from neighboring planets from traversing Earth's
oceans. This may sound unusual to some people, but I have learned
that they are considered "the enemy." I know a number
of military personnel who have witnessed visually and with radar
tracking systems the ultra-advanced spaceships entering and leaving
the ocean. Certain large brained whales such as the Humpbacks
and Sperm whales are in contact with these off-worlders who frequent
our oceans.
The two crop circles,
mentioned above, say that Earth's three-dimensional, human world
is converging with the worlds of the cetaceans and the galactic
nations. A cycle in history has been completed and a new one
now begins. The dolphins and whales and our earth are at risk
from unnatural and uncontrolled sonar waves that are targeting
our E.T. friends. The message on the E.T. disk has been translated
anonymously and confirmed by decoding experts as follows:
"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts
Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE There is GOOD out there.
This is how the translation
is decoded, with certain letters capitalized. The binary code
shown in the disk has other layers of meaning yet to be revealed.
Regardless of how this image was created or, why anyone or any
being was guided to create this crop circle, it is sending us
a message and I am grateful.
The Crop Circle communication/revelation
tells us that the weaponization of our oceans and of space is
rationalized as being for our good – a defensive plan to
protect Earth. In fact, this is a military act that aggressively
targets Underwater Flying Objects (UWFO) in our air and oceans.
This truth is not known by many of the soldiers, sailors and
pilots who operate the weapon systems. They are not told the
real reasons for this destructive high decibel sonar. The ruling,
covert, decision-makers are implementing their personal goals
to keep people in the dark regarding the presence of friendly
E.T. intelligences on planet Earth who wish to help us.
There are over 500 military,
governmental and corporate personnel who are prepared to tell
the Truth regarding the ET presence on Earth. They are ready
to testify before Congress, regarding the 50+ years of human
involvement with aliens, including their own personal experiences.
Details of this Disclosure Project are available on the website
of Dr. Steven Greer. This important
video can also be purchased through my office here in Hawaii.
(Both NTSC and PAL versions available).
When I look at these special
August 2002 crop circles, I see the gentle energy of dolphins
encircling the earth. I see our patient E.T. friends, representing
their peaceful cultures, watching over us without interference.
They are waiting for us to create peace in our lives and on our
planet. The ETs are standing by. They will not interfere (unless
we decide to destroy the earth and negatively affect our entire
solar system.) They are waiting for us to acknowledge the truth
of their presence and for us to reach out in friendship. When
we do, as a world civilization, we will learn about technological
solutions and methods to end poverty, starvation, the energy
crisis, illness, food shortages, old debilitating programs and
many of the problems that plague the earth. We will develop an
intercultural space and peace industry that inspires our children
to express their innovative and altruistic nature.
It is time to release
the belief in separation – the bad guys and the good guys.
The decision for world peace is the responsibility of all of
us. We have all created this world and now we are choosing to
create it in a different way. By choosing honesty, love and integrity
in our personal, individual lives, we make that choice for the
world also.
By no longer condoning
war, deception and revenge, we begin creating a new government,
a new United Nations, a new world that serves all humanity on
planet earth. We are one living planet among billions in the
Universe. Together, we are continuing our process of conscious
evolution as we choose the Path of Compassion.
The World Changes WITH
Keep up the great work!
Thanking you, with love,
~ Joan Ocean
March 1998 the US Navy performed testing of the LFAS system
off the shores of Kona, Hawaii. Groups from our community protested
by locating the Navy vessel, the Corey Chouest, and entering
into the water to prevent them from using the sonar array. The
fact that they could not use this system while a human was in
the water within two miles, is a clue as to it's inherent danger
to dolphins and whales who are more than ten times as sensitive
to this proven lethal technology.
are some photos taken during that time:

small zodiac protesting against the Navy's test vessel, the Corey
Chouset, deploying LFAS
are swimming in the water here, waving the American Flag to protest
the deployment of LFAS

the protest boat, here are some of the Kona podners who love
the whales and the ocean.
more about dolphins and whales on Joan's site: the Dolphin Connection,